Looking for great resources to help the youth in your life learn more about personal finances?
Here are a few great sources we have come across.
ALIS -- Alberta Learning and Information Services is an Alberta Government site with information and links on budgeting, money management and financial literacy.
The City: A Financial Life Skills Course is a learning program developed by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) and the BC Securities Commission. It has learning materials for students, including a section they can log in and complete online modules, and a teacher login to administer the course online. Ce site est aussi disponible en français.
Make it Count is a page developed by the Manitoba Securities Commission to help those teaching kids about money management. It includes both a mentoring guide for parents and lesson plans and activities for teachers. Faites que ça compte
Inspire Financial Learning is a site developed by the Ontario Teachers’ Federation to provide financial education resources. They have quizzes, calculators and other resources for teachers. The site is also searchable by grade level, subject and resource. Inspirez le savoir financier - Ressources de littératie financière
Know Money? The Healthy Aboriginal Network features a youth-friendly financial literacy comic book to spur conversation
Practical Money Skills Canada is a site developed by Visa, with money management resources, games and lesson plans built for Canadian families and educators. Connaissances financières pratiques
SmartPathNow is an educational resource built to provide Canadians with information and education about financial wellness. It includes calculators and tools like the Income Wizard to figure out how far your savings could go in retirement. PARCOURSjudicieux