You’re going to die. When? One day.
Dying is the worst. Right? And unless you really have your [stuff] together, the bad news for those close to you is that things are also going to be really messy. There’s the emotional side of course. We can’t really control that. But there’s also the financial side. All those things that you thought you were going to get to one day. Like getting your money in one place instead of five. Or signing up for some insurance to leave something behind. Or even just to make sure you’re covering your debts. Even worse if your executors (maybe your family) don’t know where anything is. Or what to do with it.
What can you do to make things better?
The good news is: If you’re reading this, you’re very likely not yet dead. So there’s time to start to get things together. Start by using our Where is Everything?!? worksheet. That will help to look at where everything is, as well as some ideas of what you might want to have in place. To get started on some information on your Insurance options take a look here.
Plus, it’s not too early to bring your kids into the conversation. We frequently speak to adult children of our clients to help explain what their parents have put into place for their investments or insurance – and also to start the kids off on the right track. Great news for your kids – as children of our clients, they have access to the same incredible programs as their parents!
Do you have questions about how to get your [stuff] together to make it easier for your family? Connect with us and we'll help you to get it all organized.
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