Reading this sentence has just given you Cancer.
We all know that's impossible. But it gets the mind freaking out just a little bit, right? Because, really, what would you do? You'd be too sick to work. You'd have treatment costs -- drugs, even hospital parking. Sure, you'd have some disability payments (about 2/3 of your income). But what if your spouse or family had to take time off work to look after you? What about child care?
The simple fact is that having a Critical Illness -- things like a Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer, MS -- can be devastating on your health. The good news is, in a lot of cases, people survive. But their finances are devastated. ASBE Group Critical Illness Insurance for Alberta School Board Employees stops that from happening to you.
Now let's imagine something else a little more fun. Let's say that you start a bank account tomorrow and at the same time, the insurance company starts a bank account. You put $5 a month into your bank account. The insurance company puts $50,000 into their bank account. If you get sick, you and the insurance company switch accounts - and you get all their money tax-free. That's essentially what's happening here.
Covering 25 different conditions, Alberta School Board Employee Group Critical Illness Insurance pays out 30 days after a diagnosis. It's one lump sum payment -- $25,000 up to $200,000 depending on the amount that you take out that can be used any way you like. It can cover your mortgage. It can replace salary. If things are really bad it can be that one last family trip. It is entirely up to you.
Because of the number of teachers and non-teaching staff in Alberta, we have been able to negotiate with insurers to create a plan that is incredibly affordable. And by "affordable", we mean "a few dollars per month". Now isn't that worth it to protect your family?
Contact us today to find out how you can help protect your family in the case of a major illness hitting you!