What if you could have an investment stream that automatically changed with you over time -- without you having to do anything?
Clearpath is designed to do just that. Target Date Funds like Fidelity Clearpath operate on the basic premise that for the vast majority of people, a solid investment strategy is very similar: focus more on growth when retirement is farther away -- and you have more time to ride the market -- and move more into protecting your investment as you get older.
The Fidelity Clearpath plan inside the ATA Group RRSP does this for you automatically. When you're farther away from retirement -- say 35 years -- it puts you mostly into investments that are more growth focused, like Equities, and just a little bit into income protection like Fixed Income funds. Every five years though, it automatically changes the balance to become more conservative, so that by the time you're 5 years away from retirement, you have more of a balance of growth and income protection.
The beauty of it is, this happens without you needing to do anything. It's a complicated, professionally managed series of investments that works automatically in the background, and provides you with a simple statement on your returns. This is a great choice for people who are interested in great balance without having to think about it.
Contact us today to find out how to access this unique investment option!